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2020 Accomplishments

2020 was a difficult year for Strategic Water Teams - as it was for other mission organizations.  The COVID Pandemic and subsequent quarantines and travel restrictions resulted in the cancellation of normal training, mission trips, mobilizing events, and fundraisers.  However, even with these difficulties, God continued to provide ways for us to support those in need.


Successes in 2020 included the following:

Mission Field


  • Supported El Roi Haiti of Citi Soleil, Haiti.  The school notified us in March 2020 that vandals had broken in and stolen books, computers, and the purifier which had been installed in January 2019.  We were able to work with our strategic partners New Life International and Jean DesRosiers to obtain a new unit and battery and to get it re-installed and operational. 

  • Provided funding for a new 500-gallon water tank to support the need in a local Haitian community within the Port-Au-Prince area.​ 


Strategic Partnerships


  • Developed a partnership with missionaries to Brazil who are in the process of building a new church/school and who are in need of a water purification system.  SWT was planning to travel to Brazil in 2020 to support this need; unfortunately, the pandemic has forced us to delay this trip.  

  • Continued to grow our partnership with New Life International (NLI) throughout 2020.  NLI was instrumental in getting a new purifier to the Port-Au-Prince area from Mirebalais in order to support a school which had their system stolen along with other school/computer equipment.  Members of the SWT Leadership team also met with NLI to begin discussions on how the groups could partner together in evaluating and servicing purifiers installed in the Mirebalais area through the use of local (Haitian) personnel. 

  • Continued to support WASH Ministries (formerly ShoeCrew Water Projects) through the collection of shoes and a shared interest in increasing awareness to the world-wide water crisis and training as many as possible in ways to help.

  • Continued our partnership with Joy In Haiti by helping to load freight containers with needed school supplies and food to Haiti.  Two such containers were shipped in October.

water purifier in Haiti

You can make a difference!

Get Involved:


  • Clean water is not a luxury; it is essential to human life

  • Sign up to be trained today and/or donate to support bringing clean water to the world

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~ 88 cents of every dollar raised goes directly towards water projects in the form of training, mobilizing, system installations, and/or system repair

SWT has been a Missouri 501(c)3 Corporation in good standing since March of 2013.  All contributions are tax deductible.

Mobilizing / Fundraising


  • Met with the Mission Committee of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in February 2020 to introduce our organization and to offer training in water purification and health & hygiene.

  • Supported Sunday worship services at Dardenne Presbyterian Church which were held outside from June through early October under our 20' x 40' hospitality tent.

  • Displayed water purifier and tippy-tap at Dardenne Presbyterian Church during autumn hay-ride and bonfire to raise awareness of the need for clean water.

  • Participated in a Dine-to-Donate event at Texas Road House to increase community awareness of our organization and its mission.  

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